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The recommended dosage of L-citrulline depends on what you are targeting. If it is about enhancing your performance as an athlete, it is best to take 6,000-8,000 mg of citrulline an hour before exercise. If you are supplementing for your circulatory health, you might take 1.76g for every gram you wish to accept. When it comes to alleviating your erectile dysfunction, taking 1,000 mg dosage per meal, three times a day, with a total of 3,000 mg per day is the best-recommended dosage.
L-citrulline is derived from the word Citrullus meaning watermelon. It is one of the dietary acids in the cycle of urea that processes and eliminates toxic products by digesting protein and generates cellular energy, together with L-arginine and L-ornithine. It is a substance that is a non-essential amino acid. Supplementation of citrulline helps in reducing fatigue and improves endurance on aerobic and anaerobic workouts; this also enhances the recycling process of ammonia and metabolism of nitric oxide.
It is used for athletic performance, heart health, and many more. L-citrulline is widely used by bodybuilders for them to increase their energy production, lessens fatigue, and able to recover from work out properly. This supplement can help patients with mild erectile dysfunction. Taking l-citrulline improves erection hardness in men.
Taking the supplement will improve blood flow and boost muscle growth and recovery. It works by raising blood arginine levels, increase nitric oxide and growth hormone, and lessens fatigue on intense training. L-citrulline is popular among all, and studies proved that it helps you without side effects.
Benefits of L-Citrulline are that it improves physical performance, improves heart health, and reduces free radical damage. Taking l-citrulline helps your body to deal with your excessive training and workout.
On a study about ED or erectile dysfunction, men with an erection hardness score of 3 experimented for one month given a supplement of citrulline. The erection hardness reaches up to the score of 4, the number of intercourse increased. All patients were being recorded as satisfies as the highest.
One study that is researched with trained men who supplemented with 8 g of citrulline before their chest workout training and resulted in an improved number of repetitions up to 52% and lessens muscle soreness.
As reported, there are no adverse effects regarding the supplement. With the help of proper oral dosage, side effects are not well-experienced. But if you are suffering from any diseases, it is best to consider advice from medical experts.
L-citrulline supplement is mainly used as a sports activity and health supplement. It decreases any fatigue and improves endurance for longer workouts. An L-citrulline processing additive enhances the metabolism of ammonia and nitrogen oxide, and it is also used to alleviate erectile dysfunction, which is caused by high blood pressure.
When looking for a supplement that will add a pump to your workouts, l-citrulline is the best answer for you, especially to those who train so hard. But every supplement has its problems, so if you have kidney abnormalities, you should always ask your doctor’s advice first.