All Products by Controlled Labs



Controlled Labs did an amazing job with their newest creatine supplement called CreaMore. Judging by the brand name it is safe to say that this product offers top quality ingredients and will surely prove useful in the long run.

With that in mind, let us see what is this product all about!


If you are a person who trains hard, be it in the gym or on a sports field, your body is bound to get super exhausted. The harder we try and push at the training ground, the more deficiencies our body will experience as all the crucial nutritional elements are burnt away and used up by our body’s daily struggle to heal itself after the considerable stress our workouts put it under.

Vitamins and minerals are just as crucial in our efforts to gain muscle and build up that perfect body as protein is, only in different ways. Severe deficiencies in vitamin levels can harm us significantly and it is important to keep your diet vitamin-heavy. Still, multivitamin pills are where most bodybuilders will go when that fails.

Today we present one such product, a great multivitamin from Controlled Labs, VITMore. VITMore is a multivitamin pill with an extremely rich ingredients list, that tries to make up for all possible major deficiencies your body may be experiencing due to workouts. Even if you are not working out regularly, VITMore can still help you keep healthy and more focused and happy.