All Products by LES Labs


Pretoxx Product Image

A hangover is a collection of symptoms resulting from excessive alcohol, such as headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. It’s no secret that drinking alcohol can negatively affect the next day. While there are many folk remedies for curing hangovers, such as drinking lots of water before bed or eating greasy food, a new category of dietary supplements claims to help prevent hangovers altogether.

There are many reasons why a hangover dietary supplement is a good idea:

  1. It can help you avoid the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover.
  2. It can help you feel better faster if you drink too much alcohol.
  3. Helping to prevent hangovers can help you avoid the negative consequences of drinking too much alcohol, such as a headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.

PreToxx: Healthy Liver Function

PreToxx by LES Labs is a dietary supplement to help prevent hangover symptoms and provide liver support. The claim is that the PreToxx pill helps reduce hangover symptoms and supports liver function. It contains natural ingredients like prickly pear and milk thistle extracts, which work while you drink to help metabolize the toxins that cause hangover symptoms.

Pretoxx can help support a healthy liver if taken daily. It can also aid in the digestion of alcohol and reduce hangovers. The supplement is made in the United States with only the finest ingredients from around the globe. To support healthy liver function, Users should take one capsule daily.