

While eating well, working hard and taking proper dietary supplementation are all important parts of the bodybuilding process or athletes’ training. Few things are more important than getting adequate rest and sleep after a long day of training and working hard.

This is why Universal Nutrition came up with Animal PM, a supplement designed to help professional bodybuilders and athletes whose bodies need extreme amounts of rest to recover and grow. While a few hours’ sleep may get a regular person through a day, someone who does intense workouts daily will feel horrible if they don’t get enough rest. This is what Animal PM helps with.


Your body’s energy reserves play a crucial role when it comes to achieving the physique that you’re aiming for.  Besides helping you keep on going for as long and hard as you can when you hit the gym, having energy that’s off the charts also picks up the pace on achieving the bodybuilding goals you’ve set.

However, there comes a time during your workout when your energy levels significantly dip down. This doesn’t just disrupt the flow of your training, but can also break your chances of realizing the serious gains that you’ve always wanted sooner or later if not addressed properly.

Kwik Energy asserts that having it in your arsenal of supplements will help take your body’s energy levels up a notch. Let’s find out if this claim is true or will just be “kwik” to lose momentum when we give it a closer look shortly.