Ingredients are the key to any effective supplement, and that’s certainly true of the Massive Male Plus supplement. This male enhancement supplement contains a powerful blend of all-natural ingredients that are shown to be effective in boosting libido, improving sexual performance, and increasing overall satisfaction.
Calcium: Calcium is a vital mineral for many different bodily functions, including helping maintain strong bones and teeth. Additionally, it can also help to improve sexual performance. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men with higher calcium levels were more likely to have better erectile function than those with lower levels. So if you’re looking to boost your bedroom performance, make sure you’re getting plenty of calcium.
Proprietary Blend: In the case of a male enhancement supplement, the proprietary blend is designed to help improve sexual performance and satisfaction. The proprietary blend in Massive Male Plus includes L-Arginine: L-arginine is an amino acid that’s been shown to be effective in boosting libido and improving sexual performance.
Epimedium extract (aerial parts): The active compound in epimedium is known as icariin, which is thought to work by relaxing smooth muscle tissue and increasing blood flow. This can lead to improved penis erection and increased sexual satisfaction. A study published in the Journal of Phytotherapy Research found that epimedium extract could improve sexual function in most men with erectile dysfunction.
Eurycoma Longfolia root extract: Eurycoma Longfolia Root Extract is a natural ingredient that has been traditionally used in Asia for its purported ability to enhance sexual ability. The active compound in Eurycoma Longfolia is known as quassinoids, which are thought to work by increasing blood flow and lessening penis premature ejaculation.
Saw Palmetto extract (fruit): Saw Palmetto extract is a natural ingredient traditionally used in the world to cure various health conditions. One of the most well-known uses for Saw Palmetto is for treating prostate enlargement. The active compound in saw palmetto extract is known as beta-sitosterol, which is thought to work by inhibiting the production of testosterone. This can lead a course to quality sexual performance and increased libido.
Bovine Orchic substance: Bovine Orchic substance is a natural ingredient that comes from the testicles of cows. This ingredient is thought to be effective in boosting libido and sexual performance. The active compound in bovine Orchic substance is known as testosterone, which is responsible for the development of male characteristics.
Wild Yam Root Extract: Wild Yam Root extract is a natural ingredient that has been traditionally used to treat a variety of different health conditions. It is often promoted as a “natural alternative” to estrogen therapy, so you will see it used for estrogen replacement therapy.
Sarsaparilla Root Extract: Sarsaparilla’s saponins and plant steroids may be able to imitate the effects of natural reproductive hormones and development steroids, such as estrogen and testosterone, according to the latest research. As a result, additional advantages, including increased muscular development, libido, and sexual function, may be gained.
Nettle Root Extract: Ancient Romans, Greeks, and Native Americans valued nettle roots to increase circulation and maintain healthy prostates and penis erections. On the other hand, the herb has no effect on prostate size reduction.
Boron Amino Acid Chelate: Boron citrate may be useful as a therapy option for erectile dysfunction caused by low testosterone or excessive estrogen levels. It is possible that boron citrate, which enhances vitamin D’s efficacy, might raise testosterone levels in healthy men.
Gelatin: Gelatin is used in many male enhancement supplements because it is thought to increase blood flow and improve erectile function.
Magnesium: Magnesium boosts testosterone levels in males, particularly those physically active. For penis erection, it is needed for the metabolism of nitric oxide. However, studies on magnesium’s potential role in the treatment of erectile dysfunction have been loading equivocal and limited.
Stearate: Stearate might irritate the intestines’ mucous lining if consumed in large quantities. A bowel movement or diarrhea may occur as a result. Your immune system’s T-cell function may be compromised if you use this powder.
Microcrystalline Cellulose: Microcrystalline cellulose is a safe and effective ingredient that is commonly used in male enhancement supplements. It is thought to help enhance the quality and texture of supplements, making them more palatable and improving the absorption of other active ingredients, leading to great efficacy.
While some of the ingredients in Massive Male Plus may have some drawbacks, such as potential side effects, the overall benefits of taking this supplement far outweigh any negatives. If you’re looking for a safe and effective way to improve your sexual performance, Massive Male Plus is worth considering.